The Problem:
The Solution:
**Scroll Down To See Our Install Video**
The set up and take down of mats for a wrestling meet typically takes an army of wrestlers to move the heavy mat sections from the practice room to the gym and vice versa. Sometimes two competition mats are used; thus, doubling the inconvenience and problems when hand carrying is required. Fortunate is this army when they don’t have to carry mats through the cold, down stairs, through halls, around corners, and through narrow doors. Most mats when moved encounter one or more of these obstacles with possible mat damage and/or bodily injuries. It is difficult for high school students to handle the weight and bulk of mats through obstacles and impossible for middle school students. A frequent side effect for set-up is a lengthy interruption of basketball practice.
Simply turn the key of the Mat Hoist® wrestling mat storage system to lower your mats to the floor and roll out. The time involved with this set-up is approximately five minutes compared to a minimum of forty-five minutes of hand carrying mats from elsewhere depending on the practice area location.
Decades of use of The Mat Hoist® wrestling mat storage system illustrates it is an economic advantage as well as a safety factor to utilize our product for storage. It eliminates the possibility of perpetual damage and costs encountered with mats stored anywhere on a floor area originally designated for another purpose.
This is a superior method of storing a one piece or multiple piece mat. The Mat Hoist® wrestling mat storage system was created to benefit wrestling programs.